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Cleithrophobia Hypnotherapy

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What is Cleithrophobia?

Cleithrophobia, also known as cleisiophobia or clithrophobia, is the fear of getting locked or trapped inside an enclosed space. The word is derived from the Greek word cleithro, meaning to close or shut; and the English word phobia or fear. At times, cleithrophobia is confused with claustrophobia, however, the former is triggered in the moment of being in a small, enclosed space. The two phobias have subtle, often unnoticeable differences, but these distinctions are very important.

Cleithrophobia Symptoms

There are two kinds of cleithrophobia symptoms. One is psychological and the other is physical.

Psychological Symptoms:

  • a feeling of losing control
  • a dread and the feeling that you are about to die
Physical Symptoms:
  •  panic attacks including crying and screaming
  • attempts to run away from the scene
  • a feeling of nausea with headaches and dizziness
  • a rise in heartrate and sweats


Some doctors may advise that the patient seek an psychological intervention like psychology and or hypnosis, but often they will just medication, such as antidepressants, beta-blockers, and tranquilizers that have effiacy in believe able to manage the phobia. Nevertheless, although these medications can greatly help suppress the fear, they do not treat the cause which hypnosis can often do.

Hypnosis as a Form of Treatment for Cleithrophobia


While there are very few studies that show the effectiveness of treating cleithrophobia with hypnosis, hypnosis has a record of being able to treat most phobias with some efficacy.

Claustrophobia and Hypnotherapy: Overcoming Fear Though Hypnosis

What is Claustrophobia?

Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of enclosed places. This condition is one of the ten most common anxiety disorders that affect people from all walks of life. The fear is not of tight space itself but of the thought of having no ability to escape from the confining area. For other people, this fear may seem a little ridiculous but for the sufferer, this problem can be embarrassing and debilitating.

Derived from the Latin word claustrum or “shut in place” and phobos, the Greek word for “fear”, claustrophobia is found to affect about 15% to 37% of the world’s population.

Symptoms of Claustrophobia

The onset of panic may varies from one sufferer to another. A claustrophobic may feel a bolt of sudden fear when getting into an elevator or going inside a low-ceilinged cellar. A common trigger for a sufferer of the condition arises when they need to go through an MRI machine. Being restrained or incarcerated can also bring about different manifestations of the disorder.

Claustrophobia is a psychosomatic disorder. The fear itself is psychological in nature and manifests physically. This intense fear usually stems from a traumatic childhood experience. The brain stores the memories including the horrifying moments during the actual incident. During a panic attack, a claustrophobic may experience one or more of the following signs and symptoms:

cold sweat



chest congestion


elevated blood pressure


urinary incontinence




temporary dementia

When to Seek Help

Medicaments such as antidepressants and beta blockers are measures that control the physical symptoms of anxiety. However, some suggest that these medications are habit-forming and may in fact cause secondary complications which is why some elect to choose alternative means to address the problem like hypnotherapy.

The practice of hypnotherapy in treating and managing claustrophobia is gaining ground. Hypnosis is now seen by some as an accepted form of intervention that is non-invasive and chemical-free.

Claustrophobic patients with me normally see results after one session.  But three sessions are recommended initially to evaluate the effectiveness of hypnosis with your condition.


  1. “Phobias: A Handbook of Theory, Research and Treatment”. April 1997. Edited by Graham C. Davey of University of Sussex, UK. Web. Accessed 23 May 2014.
  1. “What is Claustrophobia? What Causes Claustrophobia?” Published 21 April 2011, updated 25 September 2013.

Please Note:

I do not give diagnosis or dispense medication. The contents in this website do not intend to replace medical advice. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner or a professional healthcare provider.

Erythrophobia Hypnotherapy (Blushing)

What is Erythrophobia?

Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. A person who suffers from this phobia will avoid speaking in front of other people, socialising, or even going out because they fear a moment of embarrassment that leads to blushing. Most of the time, individuals with erythrophobia are concerned about how people will subsequently judge them. They seldom feel secure and lack levels of self-esteem.

Symptoms of Erythrophobia:

Erythrophobia symptoms are generally similar to the symptoms of other phobias, which may include:

a feeling that you are about to choke

social awkwardness

rapid heartbeat and palpitations

sense of threat and anxiety

Standard Treatment

Erythrophobia, as a form of phobia and social anxiety disorder, is often treated by SSRI or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor medication like Zoloft and Prozac. It is widely suggested that taking these kinds of drugs will address the symptoms but not the cause.

Hypnosis as a form of treatment for Erythrophobia


Some individuals with erythrophobia have been successfully treated using hypnosis or hypnotherapy. For instance, in a case study conducted a few years ago, a college student who was suffering from erythrophobia re-established her sense of well being and diminished her fear of blushing by using both paradoxical intention and self-hypnosis. Please see the references below for more information about this study.

My Erythrophobia Hypnotherapy Program

My program consists of three to five sessions. Three sessions are recommended normally.   Some see satisfactory improvement after one session. The following aspects will be included in the program: guided imagery, Ego State Therapy, and desensitization.

How to Book a Session on the Online Booking System:

Residents from Australia can instantly book a private appointment by clicking the green button below. You will arrive at an external booking system where you can choose an appropriate appointment time.


Niekerk, Mabel Dawn Van. The Blushing Phobia- Erythrophobia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web.

Samson, Jonathan, MD. “Erythrophobia Treatment, Causes and Symptoms (Fear of Blushing) Definition.” FeelGoodTime RSS. N.p., 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 May 2014. <>.

Bögels, Susan M., Lynn Alden, Deborah C. Beidel, Lee Anna Clark, Daniel S. Pine, Murray B. Stein, and Marisol Voncken. “Social Anxiety Disorder: Questions and Answers for the DSM-V.” Depression and Anxiety 27.2 (2010): 168-89. Web.

Stephenson, Kathy. “Case Study: Hypnotherapy to Banish Blushing.” Positive Th Nov. 2007: n. pag. Positive Health Online. Web. <>.

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