Social Phobia Hypnotherapy
What is a Social Phobia? A social phobia is a form of anxiety where an individual suffers from nervousness, unease, physical symptoms of distress and

Erythrophobia Hypnotherapy (Blushing)
What is Erythrophobia? Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. A person who has this phobia will avoid speaking in front of other people, socialising, or

Claustrophobia and Hypnotherapy: Overcoming Fear Though Hypnosis
What is Claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of enclosed places. This condition is one of the ten most common anxiety disorders that affect people

Cleithrophobia Hypnotherapy
What is Cleithrophobia? Cleithrophobia, also known as cleisiophobia or clithrophobia, is the fear of getting locked or trapped inside an enclosed space. The word is

The Public Speaking Hypnosis Program
Suffering from public speaking fears and concerned it’s ruining your career chances? Public speaking anxiety (Glossophobia) is the most common anxiety and phobia that people

Hypnosis Program for Bruxism (Teeth Grinding/Clenching)
The program consists of three sessions. It is often the case benefits are seen after the first session. I use guided imagery, direct suggestion, CBT

Hypnosis as a Form of Treatment for a Fear of Flying:
Studies There is a surprising number of studies that suggest hypnosis may be an effective form of treatment for aviophobia or fear of flying for

Nail Biting (& Nail Picking) Hypnotherapy
What is a Nail Biting Habit (Onychophagia)? Nail biting is one of the more common stress relieving vices. It is considered an “impulse control disorder”

Emetophobia Hypnotherapy: Fear of Vomiting
What is Emetophobia? Emetophobia is the fear of getting sick or of vomiting. It is a common type of phobia and can begin at any