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Erythrophobia Hypnotherapy (Blushing)

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What is Erythrophobia?

Erythrophobia is the fear of blushing. A person who has this phobia will avoid speaking in front of other people, socialising, or even going out because they fear a moment of embarrassment that leads to blushing. Most of the time, individuals with erythrophobia are concerned about how people will subsequently judge them. They seldom feel secure and lack levels of self-esteem.

Symptoms of Erythrophobia:

Erythrophobia symptoms are generally similar to the symptoms of other phobias, which may include:

  • a feeling that you are about to choke
  • social awkwardness
  • rapid heartbeat and palpitations
  • sense of threat and anxiety
  • Standard Treatment


Erythrophobia, a form of phobia and social anxiety disorder, is often treated by SSRI or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication like Zoloft and Prozac. It is widely suggested that taking these drugs will address the symptoms but not the cause.

Hypnosis as a form of treatment for Erythrophobia


Some individuals with erythrophobia have been successfully treated using hypnosis or hypnotherapy. For instance, in a case study conducted a few years ago, a college student with erythrophobia re-established her sense of well-being and diminished her fear of blushing by using both paradoxical intention and self-hypnosis. Please see the references below for more information about this study.

My Erythrophobia Hypnotherapy Program

My program consists of three to five sessions. Three sessions are recommended commonly.   Some see satisfactory improvement after one session. The following aspects will be included in the program: guided imagery, Ego State Therapy, and desensitisation.

How to Book a Session on the Online Booking System:

Residents from Australia can instantly book a private appointment by clicking the green button below. You will arrive at an external booking system where you can choose an appropriate appointment time.


Niekerk, Mabel Dawn Van. The Blushing Phobia- Erythrophobia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web.

Samson, Jonathan, MD. “Erythrophobia Treatment, Causes and Symptoms (Fear of Blushing) Definition.” FeelGoodTime RSS. N.p., 18 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 May 2014. <>.

Bögels, Susan M., Lynn Alden, Deborah C. Beidel, Lee Anna Clark, Daniel S. Pine, Murray B. Stein, and Marisol Voncken. “Social Anxiety Disorder: Questions and Answers for the DSM-V.” Depression and Anxiety 27.2 (2010): 168-89. Web.

Stephenson, Kathy. “Case Study: Hypnotherapy to Banish Blushing.” Positive Th Nov. 2007: n. page. Positive Health Online. Web. <>.

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