The program consists of three sessions. It is often the case benefits are seen after the first session. I use guided imagery, direct suggestion, CBT and ego state therapy as components in the hypnotic treatment.
Teeth grinding (bruxism) causes severe levels of pain that often radiates across, the jaw, face and neck. It is also a common source of headaches and gum pain. There can be any number of reasons why people grind their teeth during the day consciously and often in the evening whilst asleep. Some of the risk factors and reasons include:
- A learnt behavioural response to high stress
- Medication such as anti-depressants have been found to cause grinding
- Recent dental work
Much research has indicated the effectiveness of hypnosis in treating the condition. The aim of hypnosis with regards to bruxism is to reduce and remove the unconscious drivers of clenching and the grinding of the teeth.
Hypnosis for Teeth Grinding / Bruxism Research Links
The following links to research that highlights the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in treating bruxism.